shea scudder

We spoke to Shea to get to know her better and find out more about her dance career so far! You can also check out our MOVE IT socials to see even more from our Faces of MOVE IT 2024!

What style of dance do you specialise in?

I specialise in particularly Afro, Azonto to be precise but have history of training in house.

How did you get into dancing/ where did you train?

How I got into dancing was through Notting Hill Carnival as I used to go there from a young age and was so inspired by all the different movement and how differently people expressed their movement. I also got into dance through watching my mums love of house music. I didn’t train particularly anywhere at a young age due to not being able to afford it and started training at home and outside where I was able to. At the age of 12 I joined a dance team called s.moving where I was able to train properly and expand my knowledge and this is where my love for Afrobeats grew.

Who inspires you in the dance industry?

Someone who inspires me in the dance industry is, Olu (misslulucreates) this is because of how real and down to earth she is, the knowledge she shares and the space she continues to create for women to truly be themselves and vulnerable. Her movement, choreography and discipline is what continues to make her stand out and be different within the afro scene. Another person who inspires me within the dance industry is Mira (mirajebari) this is because her choreography is AMAZING and as a person she understands she knows the struggles and also because she is very confident with who she is and comfortable within her body and maintains control over that, she has helped me through battles and made me comfortable to speak about body image within the dance industry.

Describe yourself in three words. 

If I was to describe myself in 3 words it would be: reserved, captivating and resilient.

What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?

In the next 5 years, I’m looking forward to my growth as not only a dancer but a mover without any specific genre of dance attached and performing on stages that I’ve dreamed of! Also just bettering myself in my confidence so that it can shine through my dancing and take it to the next level that I know I can reach!

If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

If I was to travel back in time the advice I would give to my younger self if not to care, not to care about people’s opinions on how I dance what I look like and what my body looks like whilst moving especially coming from someone who struggled and still struggles at time with their body image.

What are you most excited about at MOVE IT 2024?

I’m most excited about networking, showcasing my art on the main stage and being able to watch and support all the other amazing faces that will be performing too!

What’s your favourite snack?

My favourite snack would have to be a rich tea biscuit or a go-ahead bar.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I’ve had to overcome was talking about my struggles with body image and the over obsession about my body weight and peoples opinions on me. And to be honest it is still something that I struggle with now, but I’m comfortable enough to spread awareness and actually talk about my struggles that I have had with it and that I continue to have.

Where’s your ideal holiday destination?

My ideal holiday destination would be, Jamaica and I’d LOVE to visit Japan one day!