We spoke to Jamai to get to know him better and find out more about his dance career so far! You can also check out our MOVE IT socials to see even more from our Faces of MOVE IT 2024!

What style of dance do you specialise in?

At the moment I have been putting most of my energy into Hip Hop & KRUMP in terms of the styles that I have been training. But I also very commonly train in different styles of choreography, including more industry focussed choreography.

How did you get into dancing/ where did you train?

I would say that I have always been dancing, it’s something that I’ve naturally always done. But I credit the beginning of my dance training to Nathan Marsh & Marshon Dance Company.

Who inspires you in the dance industry?

There is a never-ending list of people that I could name that inspire me within this dance industry, but at the moment I would have to say Sisco Gomez and Johnathan Graham. I had the opportunity to work with the two of them recently on a show, ‘FRAY’, and being able to observe them create such a comfortable but productive environment to create work left me tremendously inspired.

Describe yourself in three words. 

Driven, Passionate & Warm.

What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?

In the next five years I look forward to the unknown. I’ve already experienced many surprises on my journey so far, and I can’t begin to imagine what interesting opportunities might be in store for the future. But if I had to answer the question with one answer, I would have to say that it would be to travel the world and experience different cultures and perspectives from across the globe.

If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

If I could travel back in time, I would tell my younger self to document everything. I sometimes wish that I could look back at my journey a little clearer, and I think documentation would help this, although this is still something I need to get better at doing.

What are you most excited about at MOVE IT 2024?

I’m excited to be able to see MOVE IT 2024 bring a bunch of dancers together again, and to witness everybody connect throughout the whole weekend.

What’s your favourite snack?

I would have to say that my favourite snack is hands down a Blackfriars Bakewell Flapjack. GOATED.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I have overcome is finding genuine patience. I think in the community sometimes it can be difficult to find patience with the goals you want to achieve, especially when you will hear a lot of different perspectives from so many places. Learning to find what I wanted to do with my time and moving in the direction at the pace that made sense to me helped me appreciate the different opportunities I had the privilege of experiencing.

Where’s your ideal holiday destination?

Right now I feel very drawn to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’m very excited to travel there at some point and experience the country and culture for what it is!